Personal Portfolios
Personal portfolios are typically for higher net worth people who wish to invest excess funds in a risk managed way.
Contact UsThe value of investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.
One of the major benefits of a personal portfolio, held under a digital platform, is that the investor has access to 1000’s of funds and can adjust the investment without too much trouble.
Also, investors can contribute to the personal portfolio in a flexible manner which suits people who have both regular or less regular income.
Personal portfolios can be used as a stop gap for topping up and using annual ISA allowances.
A Personal Investment Portfolio can offer access to thousands of funds and equities, investment trusts, unit trusts, structured products as well as exchange-traded funds (ETFs), so it is a diverse way of investing.
If you are thinking about investing in a personal portfolio, you will need to consider the taxation of your investment, the risk management of the investment and the overall purpose of the investment and its investment horizon.
I provide bespoke long-term investment advice and solutions to all my clients and can help work out the optimal solution for you. Feel free to get in contact to discuss your requirements, I would be delighted to hear from you.